A sleepless night...

The force is strong! As a new pen discharges on old paper...
It's a darkening planet and a herd marching to its slaughter...

The board is set, the players take their places. Some represent the future, others will play for the past... A game of No prisoners, all are strong, yet non are weak, soon, the Titans will clash.

The bull will charge! The matador will step to the side as he digs the first sword into the defenders back. The defender lost this battle, but the war has just begun...

For the first time in history, Both are strong! Both heavily armed and both have been here before...

A big bull, undefeated and strong, takes on wisdom and pride. The future will challenge the past. The scene is set, "ENTER" has been pressed, the snowball heads down hill...

Words become actions, each one adding a layer of snow as the ball tumbles down.

A white streak runs down the bulls neck, elegantly shifting to mid body, as it heads on to decorate his chest. A proud bull standing in the corner, staring the future down.

A pause gives all precious time to breathe fresh air. Air filled with oxygen flows through their lungs into blood, feeding their muscles, both take time as they replenish and prepare for the battle ahead...

The crowd watches in silence, social media takes sides, news agencies too, there's no escape, your point of view is dictated to you. Your opinion is of no concern! You're just a small bolt in a big machine. A machine burning tons of material per second! A money machine, cutting down forests in order to print paper...

Precious paper keeps us alive... We burn, we cut, we destroy, we pollute and we kill, all in the name of paper...

Values and honesty decline in the name of paper. "Time is Money" they say... Time doesn't exist! Money is only paper, "even a pig wouldn't eat it" my grandfather used to say. Pigs are known to eat everything, if starved they will kill and eat meat.. Yet money is power!?

God is nothing! Money is everything?

In a world of greed and corruption, sins and lies, it's probably all true...

Of all the Gods we have bowed to,
The God of Money must surely be the Greatest.

Keep Shunting,
Balkan Shipyards


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